Fake reviews in hospitality industry


  • Jelena Tepavčević University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management




Fake reviews, Hospitality industry, Review manipulation


Online reviews have become essential to an individual’s everyday life. Interpersonal influences are extremely important in the hospitality and tourism industry due to the intangibility of products and services. Fake reviews are products of deviant customer behavior, which may be the source of review manipulation. The result can be illegal and violating behavior, harming organizations and other customers physically or psychologically. Hoteliers and restauranters have resorted to looking for fake reviews, all to achieve certain benefits. Computer scientists have proposed methods for identifying fake reviews, but they still exist: smart advertisers strive to disguise fake reviews by presenting them as genuine and thereby avoiding detection.



How to Cite

Tepavčević, J. (2023). Fake reviews in hospitality industry. AIDASCO Reviews, 1(1), 27–30. https://doi.org/10.59783/aire.2023.14