Gearing up for the new season

Embracing the Open Road

Bane Kler1,2

1Motorcycle club “Šid 2007”, Šid, Serbia
2Association for the International Development of Academic and Scientific Collaboration, Novi Sad, Serbia

– published as a website article, to be included in Volume 1, Issue 2 of the AIDASCO Reviews –

Embarking on a motorcycle adventure is akin to stepping into a realm where freedom intertwines with the thrill of exploration. The open road becomes your canvas, and the rhythmic hum of the engine becomes the soundtrack to your journey. With each throttle twist, a world of endless possibilities unfolds before you.

But, within traffic safety, motorcyclists occupy a notably high degree of risk. Considering their traffic vulnerability, like that of pedestrians, motorcyclists account for approximately 45% of all fatalities in traffic accidents.

In motorcycle adventures, a unique allure beckons the daring and the spirited. It is a realm where the monotony of everyday life is left behind, and the spirit of adventure takes hold. The wind becomes your companion, whispering tales of distant landscapes and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. But it should be remembered that sitting on a motorcycle, we inherently face a 20-fold higher chance of a fatal outcome than other road users and an even 40-fold higher chance of sustaining serious bodily injuries. Motorcycle riding is perceived as a unique mode of travel by some motorcyclists, who equate it with love and are not significantly impacted by these statistics. Educating all traffic participants about the presence of motorcycles and providing training for motorcyclists themselves are ways to reduce these numbers.

Irresponsible motorcycle handling poses a significant problem, including speeding, overtaking from the illegal side, riding under the influence of drugs, and more, where motorcyclists have a sense of capability and control over the situation at a given moment, although that is not the case. Another crucial factor in motorcycle riding is the use of protective gear. While wearing protective gear does not reduce the risk of a traffic accident, it decreases the likelihood of severe bodily injuries by 30-50% and, naturally, reduces the chance of a fatal outcome.

An interesting statistic highlighting the danger is that when the body collides with a stationary object at speeds of 50-60 km/h, it experiences a force of 20 G. For comparison, fighter jet pilots endure forces up to 10 G. First and foremost, let us never underestimate the importance of wearing proper safety gear. A well-fitting helmet, sturdy protective clothing, gloves, and boots can make all the difference in case of an accident. They serve as our armor, shielding us from potential harm and reducing the severity of injuries. Let’s make it a habit to gear up every time we ride, regardless of the distance or weather conditions.

Another essential factor in traffic safety prevention is the visibility of motorcycles on the road. It was found that 36% of motor vehicle drivers did not notice motorcycles immediately before a traffic accident, whereas only 12% of cases involved motorcycle riders not seeing motor vehicles. Experts say that this could be a consequence of motorcycles having just one headlight, while drivers are used to noticing two or more headlights.

Lastly, let us ride with respect and courtesy towards fellow road users. Adhering to speed limits, signaling our intentions clearly, and being mindful of other vehicles can foster a harmonious coexistence on the road. Remember that we are ambassadors for responsible motorcycling, and our actions can shape the perception of our community.